As a self-proclaimed Type A personality, I’ve always struggled with the fact that dating is, more times than not, a time suck. I know that’s pessimistic, but hear me out. Part of me wants first dates to consist of low-pressure conversations over pasta, but another part of me wants to know by the end of the first (or, at least, third) date that we could have a serious future that fits both of our interests. Am I asking for too much? Rabbi Yisroel Bernath — AKA, The Love Rabbi — doesn’t think so. Becoming a rabbi was only one of Rabbi Bernath’s callings in life. The other was matchmaking. “I didn’t choose it. It chose me,” he told us. With over 18 years in the Jewish matchmaking world, Rabbi Bernath has the unique perspective of someone who has looked at relationships from every angle: spiritually, emotionally, and societally. The Love Rabbi told us all about how the “M” word — marriage — may be waning in popularity, and how we can broach such a sensitive topic within the first few dates. With his guidance, couples can shave months off a relationship that never would’ve worked out… or they can recommit themselves to one another, once and for all. Bringing Up The M-WordFor many couples, Rabbi Bernath is a physical representation of marriage. “As the officiant, I believe I am the first line of defense,” he told us. In other words, he’s the person couples go to for advice as their relationship progresses — or stalls. So naturally, he wants to do right by them. “I want to give couples tools and set them up for a long lasting and healthy relationship.”One of his more unique tools is the pre-marital questionnaire. “Every couple I marry (takes) this kind of questionnaire, and I do an analysis of the strengths […]

As a self-proclaimed Type A personality, I’ve always struggled with the fact that dating is, more times than not, a time suck. I know that’s pessimistic, but hear me out. Part of me wants first dates to consist of low-pressure conversations over pasta, but another part of me wants to know by the end of the first (or, at least, third) date that we could have a serious future that fits both of our interests. Am I asking for too much? Rabbi Yisroel Bernath — AKA, The Love Rabbi — doesn’t think so. Becoming a rabbi was only one of Rabbi Bernath’s callings in life. The other was matchmaking. “I didn’t choose it. It chose me,” he told us. With over 18 years in the Jewish matchmaking world, Rabbi Bernath has the unique perspective of someone who has looked at relationships from every angle: spiritually, emotionally, and societally. The Love Rabbi told us all about how the “M” word — marriage — may be waning in popularity, and how we can broach such a sensitive topic within the first few dates. With his guidance, couples can shave months off a relationship that never would’ve worked out… or they can recommit themselves to one another, once and for all. Bringing Up The M-WordFor many couples, Rabbi Bernath is a physical representation of marriage. “As the officiant, I believe I am the first line of defense,” he told us. In other words, he’s the person couples go to for advice as their relationship progresses — or stalls. So naturally, he wants to do right by them. “I want to give couples tools and set them up for a long lasting and healthy relationship.”One of his more unique tools is the pre-marital questionnaire. “Every couple I marry (takes) this kind of questionnaire, and I do an analysis of the strengths  Read More  dating, relationships, love 


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